(And What's Going on?)
I'm afraid I can't answer that for you.
Take your existential dread elsewhere, please.
I don't know who 'you' are, but I can tell you who I am.
My name is PIANO TEETH and I am the voice inside your head.
I have no skin. At all.
I can't be up there with you and so I live down here in the dark with Jasper the toad.
Due to my lack of skin, I spend a lot of time in the bath, soaking and soothing my skinless sinews and tissues with various potions. It gets quite boring and to pass the time I drink.
Bleach, a lot of bleach.
A few bottles in and my brain cracks, everything melts away and I am plunged into a story. Different every time.
And when I come back up, gasping for air and have put my mind back together,
I want to share these fantastical tales with you.
Which is why I find myself here, inside your mind.
Thanks for having me.
And to answer your second question. No-one knows what's going on.
Just enjoy it.